MANY big towns in Ireland and Britain have a Little Africa, so to speak, and that demography will rightfully include the Caribbean community and the rest of the Black diaspora. There are several organisations in Ireland that represent and showcase Africa and Africans here. The oldest of these groups is the African and Caribbean Support […]
Pan Africanism: Still the longest dream ever

Ballymacward children have experience of a lifetime

BALLYMACWARD principal Hugh Kennedy believes that his school children’s experience dispells the myth that you don’t meet your heroes. Children from the small primary school on the Rock Road – not far from Hannahstown – were treated to an audience with the Tipperary hurlers on Saturday morning before the challenge game at Davitt’s. The pre-arranged […]
Now there’s another reason to go to Lady Dixon

LADY Dixon Park has long been one of Belfast’s best spots to relax, socialise or get active. With the opening of a new Ability Café, nestled amongst the park’s trees and greenery, it now has an excellent eatery to match. As well as providing first-class food, drinks and service, Ability Café at the Stables is […]
CCTV cameras to tackle anti-social behaviour

A NEW study which recommends the reinstallation of CCTV cameras back into South Belfast’s Holylands area has been welcomed by residents, elected representatives and community groups. The residential area, which is heavily populated with students attending the nearby Queen’s University and Ulster University, has been on the wrong end of anti-social behaviour over recent years, […]
Queen’s Uni supporting the SPAR Craic 10K

QUEEN’S University are the latest institution to show their support to the annual SPAR Craic 10K taking place on St Patrick’s Day throughout the city. Starting at the gates of City Hall, the route will take in the Gaeltacht Quarter as well as the prestigious university, Botanic Avenue and Gardens before the finish line at […]
New book challenges perceptions of religion

WHAT if, in the city of Belfast, that is conflicted both emotionally and physically, a non-churchgoer artist decides to visit every church for a service, simply looking and listening to what is going on. Well, Bronagh Lawson decided to do just that and has written about her experiences in her new book, Belfast: City of […]