You’ll not be surprised to hear the phone call, like so many before it, starts with the telephone ringing.
Archive by Author
School of music in tune with ongoing rise of trad

Since 2001 over a thousand young musicians from North Belfast have taken their first steps on the road to traditional music mastery at a Glengormley music school.
Lay people take the lead in return of Mission to Holy Cross

After an eight year absence a six day laity-led mission returns to a North Belfast parish this week. The Lay Passionist Mission in Holy Cross Church, which begins
Atlantic Philanthropies £200K boost for local primary schools

Two North Belfast primary schools were celebrating this week with the start of a three-year £200,000 community programme. Holy Family Primary in
Super slimmers get a weight off their minds

Eight super slimmers from North Belfast and beyond are enjoying the lighter side of life after losing a total of 40 stone between them. The women have