The death has taken place of legendary republican activist Bobby Storey. The Belfast man died in hospital in England after undergoing a lung transplant. Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald expressed her “deep sadness” at the news. “Bobby was a lifelong and very deeply committed Irish Republican whose passing will be received with great sadness […]
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Tugtar cead d’iarrthóirí tearmainn bheith ag obair
Bhí sé mar sprioc ag Theresa May agus í i gceannas ar an Home Office timpeallacht dhoicheallach a chruthú d’iarrthóirí tearmainn. D’éirigh lena plean. D’éirigh go geal leis. De réir ‘A Prison Without Walls’, tuarascáil a scríobh an t-eagras Housing4All anuraidh, tá an córas iarrtha tearmainn ceaptha d’aon turas le daoine a fhágáil ar an […]
OPINION: Migrant families, aslyum-seekers, hit hardest by loneliness and poverty in this time of Corona
THERE are many good things happening in the community. People are using their time to find out how they can support those who are in need. Of course, this has been the norm here in Northern Ireland for a long time but in the Corona times people have become more active in helping others despite […]
GERRY ADAMS: Bodenstown Sunday has put down many’s the marker for republican strategy
Like the Easter commemorations earlier this year this Sunday’s Bodenstown ceremony will take place online ( Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald TD, who has previously spoken at Bodenstown on three occasions, the last in 2018, will give this year’s keynote address. The Coronavirus restrictions make it impossible to hold the normal event with its […]
OPINION – ANDRÉE MURPHY: British attempt to favour some victims over others is damningly predictable and devoid of civilised norms
THERE are lots of things this ‘peace process’ has thrown up I didn’t expect but these past few months have surely surpassed them all. Did you think 22 years after the signing the Good Friday Agreement that a former prisoner in a wheelchair would have to be expressing remorse to strangers before he would be […]
Council insists public parks are open to all following sectarian abuse of Grove park users by gang of men
BELFAST City Council have reassured the public that Grove Playing Fields in North Belfast is “open for everyone to enjoy”. It comes after an alleged sectarian incident on Thursday evening when a large crowd subjected park users and local sports teams to sectarian abuse. Last weekend, a banner was erected at the entrance to the […]
EDITORIAL: Action on ‘holiday hunger’ must be Executive priority
THE screeching u-turn peformed by Boris Johnson on free meals for children in the summer in the wake of the Marcus Rashford letter has served to highlight the fact that the vouchers that will now be distributed in the UK will come with the all-too-familiar ‘Deal not available in NI’ tag. The issue of ‘holiday […]
WATCH: Emotional farewell from teachers for tots as Matt Talbot Nursery School Class of 2020 bow out
It has been a year like no other for children attending nursery schools across Belfast. For three months and counting, home-schooling was the rule of thumb as classrooms closed and children were unable to attend nursery school — or meet their chums. So when teachers at Matt Talbot Nursery School in Moyard, West Belfast, welcomed […]