Dr Michael Donnelly reviews the last meeting of the Stormont Health Committee and warns that the scale of the Covid calamity in our care homes is nothing to be proud of. The Chair declared the meeting as quorate and, as Gaeilge, welcomed all to the meeting in the Seanad or on social mediae. The first […]
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Contact tracing operation swings into action…at last
Almost three full months after the World Health Organisation announced Covid-19 as a pandemic and urged countries to “test, test, test”, the Public Health Agency today officially launches its contact tracing programme. The establishment of the new initiative comes alongside a pledge to provide a Covid-19 test for anyone who requests it. Said Health Minister […]
Free and virtual, Mela 2020 will bring summer park joy to fans
THE popular Belfast Mela will this year be marked with a special free virtual festival. The event, which attracted 30,000 visitors last year, was due to take place in Botanic Gardens on August 30 but has been cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Organisers will instead mark its 14th year with a special free virtual […]
OPINION: Time for another ethnic face to light up hallowed halls of Stormont
ONE day, and I hope not too far away from today, another uninvited intruder will enlist him or herself in the hallowed corridors of power at Stormont. The last time an ethnic face featured in that place on the hill was former Belfast South MLA Anna Lo. Remember, the reason Ms Lo made an exit […]
Bhí rialacha againn sa rang Tís ar scoil. Nuair a bhímis ag dul don chócaireacht, ní raibh cead againn seodra de chineál ar bith a chaitheamh ar na lámha. B’éigean dúinn fáinní, bráisléidí agus uaireadóirí a bhaint dínn. Lámha loma amháin a bhí ceadaithe sna babhlaí bia. Ba iad na múinteoirí a chinntigh go raibh […]
OPINION – Andrée Murphy: Devastating impact of post-truth era is only starting to be felt
THE Dominic Cummings spectacle cannot be reduced to our view of two road trips during pandemic lockdown. We must look at the far-reaching implications of what is happening. We are living in an era where truth is not expected to be spoken, exposing lies does not have devastating implications and law can therefore be subverted […]
OPINION – GERRY ADAMS: In the spirit of Martin McGuinness, let’s do our best to be our best
I REMEMBER Martin McGuinness, in response to a question, telling a journalist that he expected to be dead before he was twenty five. I told the same journalist the same thing. That’s the way it was in the 1970s when Martin and I first met the British government in an effort with others to negotiate […]
OPINION – JUDE COLLINS: Gerrymandering hasn’t gone away, you know
I DID a Zoom interview last week with Colm Gildernew MLA (yes, Virginia, brother of the more famous Michelle G) on the subject of electoral boundaries. I’d talked to him about this subject a couple of years ago, so it was interesting to see how this most sensitive of topics had developed since. To begin […]