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Tag Archives: front

Caught on Camera

CCTV shows men acting suspiciously before shop is set on fire. Cops tells us the cause of huge blaze is ‘inconclusive’

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Memorial to bookies dead unveiled on 20th anniversary

THE new memorial to the five people murdered in the Lower Ormeau bookmakers massacre has touched those who were not even born at the time of the atrocity, a community spokesman has said.

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Residents come out in force to oppose student flats proposals

Residents in a local street threatened by a proposed development by Queen’s University have hit out at the South Belfast institution, saying they don’t wish their community to be “filled” with students.

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Collusion report calls for inquiry

A report by a victims’ support group detailing collusion in the Sean Graham’s massacre will call for an independent inquiry into the UFF slaughter which saw five people murdered and seven others wounded 20 years ago this week.

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‘Regeneration hub’ proposal probed

A DERELICT Sandy Row building could be the spark that ignites a major regeneration of the area if it is transformed into a community hub, it has been claimed.

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Duffy: ‘It’s the H-Blocks again’

LURGAN republican Colin Duffy says current conditions on Maghaberry prisons Roe House wing “could be equated to the harshness of what

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