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Tag Archives: front

Big John grabs that second chance at life

THE LAST player to score 100 goals for Celtic Football Club is to address a sold-out Rock Bar event this weekend as he shares his inspirational and emotional story of how he fought back against the cancer that almost killed him.

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Sans Souci residents oppose further student accomodation

Residents in a South Belfast street have called on Queen’s University to change plans to build accommodation there , saying they are fearful of becoming “another Holyland” if an influx of students was to take place.

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Buy Local petition presented to Minister by media group

STORMONT Finance Minister Sammy Wilson has been presented with thousands of signatures supporting the Belfast Media Group’s Buy Local campaign.

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Happy visions of a much loved son

Mary Enright and her husband Terry are cheerful people. When I visit them, Mary chats about the weather, Terry has a little laugh at how different my head looks when I take my cap off.

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‘Respect’ shown if parades are banned believes LOCC

The chair of a local residents’ group opposed to loyalist parades in their community has said he does not believe the Parades Commission’s call for “respect” around marching will happen until parades are banned from the area.

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Megan revels in her trip of a lifetime

A South Belfast schoolgirl battling a rare brain disorder has enjoyed “the holiday of a lifetime” after the big-hearted Lower Ormeau community helped her family pay for a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Florida.

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