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Tag Archives: North Belfast

House price falls severest in North

House prices in North Belfast have seen some of the most dramatic falls of any region of the North since the economic crisis took hold in 2007, a leading housing expert has said. Tom McClelland, housing spokesman with the Royal Institute of Charterd Surveyors, was speaking after the publication the Institute’s latest house price survey this week.

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Uni to meet with locals

Concerns of residents of inner city North Belfast about the University of Ulster’s move to the area are to be discussed at a meeting between local community leaders and representatives from the university next week. Senior figures from the university will meet with community representatives from areas like Carrick Hill and New Lodge on Monday (April 16) over the university’s plans for the £250 million development of their new campus at on York Street.

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Brave Brian won’t be forced from home of 30 years

The pensioner who fended of a masked gang who broke in to his North Belfast home last week says he won’t be forced out of the

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Area for housing scheme queried

Housing minister Nelson McCausland has come under fire for his selection of a pilot area in North Belfast to tackle the empty housing problem despite another area having five times more empty homes. The social development minister announced last week he was taking action on empty homes

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Solutions to social and economic ills still to be found

Social and economic problems are worsening for many people living in interface areas of North Belfast despite the significant

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Friends to honour Micky with PIPS marathon run

A group of North Belfast pals are to run the city marathon this year in memory of their much-missed friend who took his own life last year. Stephen, Dee and Ciaran Burns, Aisling Martin and Gary Patterson have formed a team to run the marathon in memory of their friend, local DJ Michael ‘Micky’ McCartan, who died last August.

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