A FORMER St Louise’s Comprehensive College pupil has been crowned Belfast’s Next Top Model. Speaking to the Andersonstown News, 19-year-old Brooke Drive girl Rachel Devlin said: “It still hasn’t sunk in. I’m just so delighted”.
Corner shop in the firing line
THE OWNER of a Lenadoon shop that has been targeted in six separate robberies – four of them armed – in the space of just a few months has called for the full rigours of the law to be applied to the perpetrators before someone is seriously hurt.
So many years are wasted by waiting

Leah’s story
LEAH Corr (23) is a mother of a three-old-child and has been on the waiting list for a Housing Executive home for three years. In January she contacted the Andersonstown News along with two of her neighbours – Georgina Lagan and Kelly Duffy
3,000-plus and climbing: crush on local housing waiting list worsens

A LOCAL MLA has said the housing crisis is so bad in West Belfast that some people on the housing waiting list are resorting to drastic measures to improve their chances of getting allocated accommodation – including paying dissident paramilitary groups to send them bullets in the post.
Police are testing a large quantity of what is believed to be drugs discovered by workers at a Belfast City Council property in West Belfast.